Babylifestyle Magazine- Easter Egg Hunt Party

I was so excited to team up with Babylifestyle Magazine to style a mini Easter Egghunt for their Spring magazine that was just release today! Check out my Easter spread and all the other talented people in this Spring edition!

 Vendor Credits: Styled by Thuy with My Paper Pinwheel, Photography by Lindsay McDaniel Photography, Printables by Dimpleprints, Cupcakes from Sweet Mama Cupcakes and More, Chevron Bowtie and Hairbow from Teal & Co., Chevron spoons from Sucre Shop, Cakepops from Autumn Lynn's Chocolate Sins, and Paper tassels from Party Creative!

And most importantly, my two adorable models!

WOW! I am honored to be place next to these two talented ladies! Courtney Whitmore  & Katie Nguyen Wells!

Check out more of the party here!