Tulsa Macy's Culinary Council Food Truck Event

Disclaimer: I was compensated to attend this event on behalf of Everywhere Society. As always, all opinions and thoughts are my own.

This past Saturday me and the boys attended Macy's Culinary Council Food Truck Event here in Tulsa. I am a huge food truck junkie! It's something about the concept and originality that lures me in. I was excited to be able to attend the Macy's 10th Anniversary Culinary Council event and try out some yummy food. Macy's food truck was serving up Mark Forgione's Sausage and Peppers Pork and Scallion Hot Dogs topped with pickled peppers, fried onions, and a spicy mayo. They were also served with a side of homemade potato chips. The hot dog was nothing that I ever had tasted before and it was so good. A very gourmet hot dog if I say so myself.

For dessert, we had Johnny Iuzzini's Bitter Orange Ice Cream Sundae dipped in chocolate which was perfect to cool off in the summer heat and delicious.