New Year Goals

photo 1I can't believe when the clock strikes midnight, 2014 will be over and I will be welcoming the New Year! There is something so refreshing about a New Year, a fresh start to plan, to set goals, and make things happen! 2014 was a great  year!  A lot of opportunities happened in 2014, new friendships were made, and a huge growth with the blog + my small business.  But of course, with growth came growing pains. I had lots of late nights, stretched myself too thin, fill my plate to the brim, and had a few mental shut down moments that I may not be very proud of and with that being said, 2015 is going to be different! I have big dreams for 2015 but this time, I am going to work smarter not harder. I am going to create more white space in my life and be more intentional with what matters most to me and that is my family.  I am SO pumped about 2015! I have set many goals for myself  in the upcoming year and some of them are to celebrate the small victories in my personal life and in my professional life, to promote less "things" in my life and more love, to refocus on what my passions are and let all the other things go, to be more organized ( yes, I may not always be as organized as I may appear ), to create smaller to do list, add a more efficient budget in our life, and lastly I am going to make each day count. A lot can happen in a year friends, and we need to make the most of the time we have. Tomorrow is never guaranteed and at the end of the day, I want to be content with my choices and what I accomplished. Do you set goals and big dreams at the beginning of the year? I would love to hear your goals and how you plan on making things happen. Let me be your cheerleader!

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