Favorite Things Party 2018

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Another Favorite Things Party in the books! Each year, I host my annual Favorite Things Party for my girlfriends and it is always one of my absolute favorite parties of the holiday season! It’s been a tradition of ours for many years and it’s the perfect time to get caught up with my dearest friends, eat drink and be merry!


If you are unfamiliar with how to host a Favorite Things party, you can read my blog post from last year HERE. I also want to mention that there are several ways to host a Favorite Things Party but for mine, we always do three of the exact same gifts for the price point of $25.00 each and we always wrap them and place them under the tree.


As for food and beverages, we do potluck style where everyone brings a dish to share and it gives us an opportunity to try some really yummy dishes. Each year, I always do a cheese board of some sort that I failed to take a picture of and I always make my holiday sangria as well. We also do an assortments of wines and beer so that there is something for everyone.


For my favorite gift this year, I wanted to share some of my favorite hair products so I did my fave Living Proof Dry Shampoo, a wet brush and of course my favorite MICALE | LYNN scrunchie!

Each year my girlfriends bring their A game with their gorgeous wrapping and their favorite picks! There were so many great gifts this year and I definitely have some new favorites that I want to try out now. One of the most popular gifts were the O-Venture Key rings that two different people brought and I almost did the same thing as it is literally one of my favorite things and gifts to give. There were several cookbooks that were given this year and Starbucks gift cards are always a popular item! One of the most creative gifts was from my sweet friend Ally who created a complete Date Night basket with everything you need to have an amazing date night at home and that is especially nice when you have little ones at home and can’t get out as often.

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Hosting a Favorite Things party is really simple and can be done anytime of the year, it doesn’t always have to be during the holidays and you could totally make it theme were everyone came in their jammies or a ugly sweater. You can check out last year’s post for all the details on how I host mine each year and it would even be fun to do a Galentine’s Favorite Things party too!


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